Privacy statement

Privacy statement for Sissener AS

This privacy statement will be continuously updated and was last updated on November 4, 2019. It tells why and how Sissener AS collects, processes and protects personal information.

The privacy statement applies to both activities related to Sissener AS's management, as well as marketing and sales of our products. Sissener AS works continuously to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with current privacy legislation. We treat all data confidentially and have a duty of confidentiality regarding information you choose to share with us.

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

Sissener AS is responsible for processing the company's processing of personal data.

Why do we collect personal information?

Personal information is information that can be linked to a person. This includes, for example, name, address, telephone number or e-mail address. Processing of this information includes collection, storage and dissemination.

We process information about you mainly for 3 purposes:

    To serve you as a customerWe use your personal information to fulfill statutory obligations, as well as for you as a customer to receive a good service. Pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Funds Act and the money laundering regulations, Sissener AS has a duty to store sufficient information about the individual customer. Customer information is stored for 5 years after a customer has terminated their customer relationship with us. Communication by e-mail or telephone with Sissener AS's sales department or managers is stored for 5 years.


    To send you informationSissener AS also communicates with stakeholders who are not customers. Persons who have agreed to this will receive information in our newsletter about market views, new products or invitations to our events. When you sign up for the mailing, you agree that we may process your name and email address for this purpose in accordance with the Marketing Act and the personal data regulations. The information is stored until the consent is withdrawn.


    To improve our services to youWe work continuously to improve your experience of our communication surfaces, both technically and in terms of content. Therefore, we need to understand our audience better. When you visit our websites or our pages on social media, information about your behavior is therefore collected via the device (s) you use. The information is collected using cookies, and includes the type of device, operating system and browser, IP address and page reference. The information is collected by means of cookies by Google Analytics, Facebook and LinkedIn, which process the information on an independent basis (read more under Social media) Sissener AS receives all information from these in aggregate form, ie as statistics. We can not trace the information back to you, nor do we use tools for profiling people. The cookie is automatically deleted 14 months after your last visit to the website if you have not already deleted it yourself. You have the option to block or delete cookies via the settings in your browser. If you choose to do so, you can still use our website, but will probably experience reduced performance in the form of longer upload time. If you want more information about cookies, you can visit


Analyseverktøyet Hotjar

Sissener AS uses the analysis tool Hotjar (see We use this tool to retrieve and clarify user behavior on the website When the tool is active, we can see, for example
    Where users click How far down on the different pages users scroll, and where they move Where users are when they end the session
All data collected via Hotjar is stored on Hotjar's servers in Ireland. No personal information is collected.
Collected data is subject to Hotjar's privacy policy. To opt out of measurements from Hotjar, click here.

Use of external parties

Sissener AS is subject to a duty of confidentiality. We can only share your personal information with third parties if there is a basis for processing. This includes the authorities, as well as our partners who help us to perform our services. Data processor agreements between Sissener AS and each of the suppliers of these tools regulate how the information is processed.

When entering into new customer relationships or when placing an order online, we simplify the process for you by automatically filling in publicly available information in our online form. This is done using the service provider Bisnode. Customers who have started filling out an online form, but who cancel along the way, can choose to temporarily save the information for later completion. Forms are temporarily stored at Metafocus for a maximum of 7 days before all information is deleted.

Information provided by customers when the customer relationship is entered into and all transactions are stored in Cairo and in VPS. Customer agreements and other documents are stored in Cairo. Contact information is registered in SuperOffice for mailings of marketing materials, such as monthly reports.

Social Media

If you choose to follow Sissener AS on social media, you must know that personal information and other information you have provided to these media can be read, collected, and used by other users of the social media service. We have little or no control over and are not responsible for the use, misuse or embezzlement of personal information or other information that you yourself contribute to any social media services. As the owner of the pages, we receive statistics on visits and use, but we do not store this information ourselves.

For more information about privacy, we refer to their respective privacy statements:

- Facebook, LinkedIn, MyNewsDesk

What rights do I have?

Everyone who asks has the right to receive basic information about the collection and processing of personal data. As registered, you have rights related to the personal information we have about you. You have the right to request:

    Access to the personal information we have about you. The right may in some cases be limited by law. If the information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to have the information corrected, with the limitations that follow from the law. Your request must be processed free of charge and no later than within 30 days. In some cases, you have the right to request that your personal information be deleted. Note, however, that as a result of the Securities Trading Act, we have a duty to store information about customers, as well as previous customers for a certain number of years. However, you can demand that such information be pacified and hidden. You also have the right to complain to the Data Inspectorate if you believe we process your personal information in violation of the rules. Data portability: if it is secure and technically feasible, we can transfer your information to another data controller. .


We take the security of your personal information very seriously. Your personal information is stored in systems that are encrypted and password-protected. Access to the various systems is limited to employees who need such access to perform their work tasks. All employees in the company receive training in how to handle personal information.

Contact information for correction, deletion or inspection

E-mail: personvern@sissener.noTelephone: 47 23 11 52 60Mail address: PO Box 1849 Vika, 0123 Oslo

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